Old Rewards FAQ

Do you have questions or issues about rewards? Or are you just curious as to how it works? Please review our frequently asked questions section below for answers to commonly asked rewards questions.
  • Q: Are all of the reward options available to international members as well as US members?
  • A: Rewards options are available as follows:
  • US - Payoneer prepaid debit MasterCard, Amazon.com gift certificates and Dining Dough gift certificates are available.
  • Canada - Payoneer prepaid debit MasterCard and Amazon.com gift certificates are available.
  • UK - Payoneer prepaid debit MasterCard and Amazon.co.uk gift certificates are available.
  • Other - All other international members are able to use the Payoneer prepaid debit MasterCard.
  • Q: How can I receive my rewards?
  • Our members are currently able to receive their rewards through the following 3 partners:
  • Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard
  • Dining Dough restaurant gift certificates
  • Amazon.com gift certificates
  • Q: How much do I need to cash out?
  • Once you have earned $10 or more you can choose any method of payout you prefer from our list. These vary from a Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard option to Amazon.com and Dining Dough gift certificates.
  • Q: I took a survey and completed it, so where is my reward?
  • A: We are unable to reward our members until the entire survey has closed. This typically takes 2-6 weeks. Until then your rewards will appear in the "Pending Rewards" section.
If you are still unable to resolve your issue after trying these steps, please feel free to respond to this email and one of our support representatives will be happy to help, or call 303-895-3598.