Surveys FAQ

Do you have questions or issues about surveys? Or are you just curious as to how our system works? Please review our frequently asked questions section below for answers to commonly asked survey questions.
  • Q: Why haven't I received any surveys?
  • Do not be discouraged if you have yet to receive an invitation. We are acquiring new surveys everyday and will match you to some very soon. You will receive an invitation email for any new surveys. These surveys will also be displayed on your Members page.
  • Q: Why am I being invited to surveys I do not qualify for?
  • A: Please make sure your entire profile is filled out accurately so we can do our best to only send you surveys that you will qualify for. Please answer each question honestly. We are sending you surveys where your profile matches the clients requirements to qualify for their survey. The more detailed and honest you are when filling out your profile on the site, the more surveys you will qualify for. However, even with the most detailed information we are still not able to guarantee that you will qualify for each survey.
  • If you are still unable to resolve your issue after trying these steps, please feel free to respond to this email and one of our support representatives will be happy to help, or call 303-895-3598. We are available Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm MST.