Amazon FAQ

Do you have questions or issues using Amazon? Or are you just curious as to how it works? Please review our frequently asked questions section below for answers to commonly asked Amazon questions.
  • Q: How does an Amazon redemption work?
  • A: Once you have earned a minimum of $10 in your account, you can access the Rewards page, redeem your rewards for Amazon coupons in increments of $5. You can then use these coupon codes on the website.
  • Q: I received an Amazon code but it doesn't seem to work.
  • A: Occasionally Amazon codes in our system will expire. Please contact one of our customer support representatives to be issued a new, valid coupon code.
  • Q: I lost my Amazon coupon code. Where can I find it?
  • A: Your coupon code(s) were mailed to you when you redeemed. If you cannot locate the email, you can see resend it by clicking the links displayed in your Redemption History.
If you are still unable to resolve your issue after trying these steps, please feel free to respond to this email and one of our support representatives will be happy to help, or call 303-895-3598. We are available Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm MST.